Jean Bakula from New Jersey on March 21, 2019: It seems like a huge proportion of my clients are Scorpios. Astrology for the aesthetically inclined. View Here. The most common zodiac signs are Libra and Scorpio, most people acoount for sag, cap, aqu, and pisceans. In England and Wales, the least common birthdays are December 25th, December 26th (Boxing Day), and January 1st, and the most common is September 26th. I was born September 16, 1949 at 11:43 Am. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on September 16, 2015: Hi, Jo, and happy birthday! Every year of the Chinese calendar corresponds to a sign in the zodiac cycle: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. I feel like the rarest month is December/January because Capricorns and Sagittarius are uncommon. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on January 27, 2012: I agree Pisces gets the short end of the stick, the most neglected and poorly understood of all Sun signs. Also, the least common birthday is definitely February 29th... Don't even need to question it. If only people knew how astrologers need those! In New Zealand, government birth data gathered from 1980 to 2015 shows December 25th is the least common birthday there as well, with the most common being September 30th. Where do I go to find it? Countries that are ruled by Taurus include Cyprus, Tasmania, Ireland, Capri, Rhodes, the Greek Islands, Cuba, East Timor, Serbia, Tanzania, South Africa (pictured), and Yemen. Countries that are ruled by Aries include (d) Palestine, England, Hong Kong (pictured), Germany, Poland, Syria,... TAURUS. In equatorial countries, birth numbers are higher in mid-spring and late autumn. Countries & Cities. Libra 11. Hi Sylvia--Never have I paid attention to who has the most common birthdays all throughout the year, but when I read your article, then- oh! "Pisces are warm and really feel the energy of those around them. (February 29th is excluded.) I agree that Feb 7th (& all Aquarian birthdays) are the least common..I have never met anyone born on my birthday (7th Feb). Very informative! Danger Level:4/12. The data set in Stiles’s heat map with nine of the … Mediavine Publisher Network I've been looking through a few articles on 'least common' and 'most common' astrological signs...and not ONE mentions Pisces. Alas, if only there WERE more Aquarians in the world - it might be a better place because we care so much for the good of humanity.. :D. That sounds a bit big-headed but not meant to be.. WOW! It is weird to see peaceful and fair Libras in the fourth place. Proud Member of: Mediavine Publisher Network Architectural Digest © 2018 - Star Sign Style. Cities that are ruled by Aries include Birmingham, Cape Town, Leicester, Florence, Krakow, Naples, Utrecht, Marseilles, and Georgia. You commented so many years ago but I find it interesting that you know so many people with birthdays on March 8th! In 2013, the top three months were August, July, and October, respectively. This is a brain teaser for probability theorists, who call this "The Birthday Paradox" or "The Birthday Problem.". And I am not convinced that astrological "rectification" of birth times gives accurate results. Sources do not agree on the second-least-common zodiac sign, but some suggest it is Gemini, and others suggest Leo. Sniffle. Leo Would Be Germany. My sister's birthday is on December 25th, the least common birthday! Virgo 9. It's so frustrating. Shopping Inspiration – Your Aquarius Gift Guide…, ☆ HOME ☆ ABOUT ☆ PRESS & MEDIA ☆ CONTACT ☆ DISCLAIMER ☆. ☆ ABOUT ☆ PRESS & MEDIA ☆ CONTACT ☆ ADVERTISE ☆ DISCLAIMER ☆. While the number of serial killers born under Capricorn sign is pretty average, the serial killer … My moon is Scorpio also. Sylvia, do you know where can i read/learn about: "How does our Sun/Moon/Rising combination affect us?". These are the dates the Sun entered (or will enter) Libra: I know 6 people born on March 8th and in the month of March as a whole. But there are… It’s true that no two people are the same in this world; there’s always something that sets them apart. England, Germany, Poland, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Lithuania. Anything that tells you the moons and especially risings are known for all presidents just isn't truthful. As a result, the last 30 or so years seem to have seen more February conceptions and subsequent November births, with the most common being the 1st, 7th, 19th, 20th, and 21st. ARIES. Pearson Scott Foresman, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons; Canva. Cities that are ruled by Taurus include Lucerne, Eastbound, Eastbourne, Hastings, Palermo, Leipzig, St. Louis, and Dublin. The most common zodiac signs in the US, ranked 1) Scorpio Scorpio is the most common sign in US = 9.6% of the population The Scorpio personality takes the crown as the... 2) Virgo Percentage of US population = 9.4% Virgo personality comes in at … The rarest zodiac signs confirmed are Gemini and Leo. Countries that are ruled by Virgo include Crete, Brazil, Greece (pictured), Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, West Indies, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador Estonia Guatemala, Honduras, Mali, Moldova, Qatar, and Tajikistan. i know of 5 people with my birthday july 5 and 13 people around my birthday! Percentages could (partially) fluctuate over time. The eighth sign of the zodiac is typically seen as the most intense, partly due to its association with the striking scorpion. Take care, Jean, Wow September 16th is the most common birthday. i Think feb 7 least common brithday date....... Wow, my birthday is on May 22nd, and I know someone who was born on the same day in the same hospital! (slideshow ranked from least popular to most popular): 12) Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac of western astrology, fixed and of fire; from … Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on June 09, 2011: Thank you for the compliment! 01 /13 Most common intimacy issue faced by your zodiac sign For a lot of people, intimacy can be challenging. My mom is an obstetrician so I definitely notice when some months are busier for her in the delivery room than others! I am absolutely inundated with Scorpio sun people in my family and amongst my in-laws. The prevalence of late-summer-early autumn births is natural and—according to some sources—tied into the harvest season, during which food is especially plentiful. This zodiac sign prefers his old friends than meeting someone new. Cities that are ruled by Aquarius include Brighton (pictured), Hamburg, Helsinki, Moscow, Salzburg, St. Petersburg, and Bremen. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on June 03, 2012: My ascendant is Scorpio. But when I got her Cert, she was born around dawn that morn, an odd time for fireworks. All I had to do was write to the Clerk of Whatever Township the hospital was in. When a Harvard University study counted U.S. births each day of each year between 1973 and 1999, it found the most common birthday for U.S. residents was September 16th, followed by September 9th, 23rd, 17th, 22nd, and 21st. Countries that are ruled by Scorpio include Angola, Morocco, Queensland, Korea, Syria, Norway, the Transvaal, Bavaria, Antigua, Barbuda, Cambodia, Dominica, Latvia, Lebanon, Micronesia, Panama, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Zambia. Cities that are ruled by Cancer include Manchester, New York(pictured), Stockholm, Tokyo, Venice, York, Amsterdam, Milan, and Algeria. Greece and the beautiful Greek Islands are ruled by Venus and are associated with Taurus and Libra. Your Ideal Destination By Zodiac Sign – Astrology And Places. But did you know one zodiac sign, in particular, is the most likely to produce billionaires? Its much larger source study, originating at Princeton University, compiled 78 years of birth data including all 50 states and 118 mostly Northern-Hemisphere countries. This graph shows births by month in the U.S. from 1995–2002. They are impatient, easily frustrated, and don't like to be kept waiting just lik… Forget which sign is the best or worst, I want to know the least and most common zodiac signs! Did you know that countries and cities are ruled by zodiac signs? How can I get an accurate reading? Cancers … An infographic analysis of Social Security data shows that when U.S. parents can schedule a birth, they tend avoid the 13th of any month, possibly due to superstition. Wonder why February is infrequent though! Here are the most popular zodiac signs, ranked from most to least. Cities that are ruled by Capricorn include Brandenburg, Brussel, Delhi, Mexico City, Port Said, Oxford (pictured) and Ghent. LunaticEight from 8th House on October 10, 2019: This is such an interesting article and thank you for the time you took to research and write it. That's so weird! They analyzed the birth date of each of the top 250 … Douglas Perkins, CC0 via Wikimedia Commons; Canva. Whether you're a passionate Scorpio, a loyal Leo, or an empathetic Pisces, each zodiac sign has different personality traits. Other common signs are Virgos, Aries, and Libras. Earth, water, and air signs are pretty well represented in all of these tallies. Interesting hub to read! Taurus. Birth times are hard to get. One study by the now-defunct data site found the most common birthday to be October 5th and the least common to be May 22nd. =]. The under-30 U.S. population does seem to include a larger percentage of Scorpios, however. 'Most ignored astrological sign'? If we were to count only the youngest Americans, the second-least-common zodiac sign would be Capricorn. For birthday.. So I would definitely pick that sign as the most prevalent. A professional astrologer, she has studied both with the London School of Astrology, and The Faculty of Astrological Studies. I've come back to this hub again! It must be the season why births happen around September...and to think that the least date of birthday celebrants is May 22nd is somewhat an irony on my end...I am a Gemini, and my fellow Geminians in my work-group were born on 5/22nd...and they know each other- though they were born 16 years apart, and from 2 continents. It used to be easier before 9/11, at least in NJ. But we simply aren't going to have data other than birth date / sun sign for many presidents. I can't tell the percentage, but out of the main 25 higher ranks, at least 12 of them are Scorpios! Denmark’s constitution was creatd June 5 1849, thereby making Denmark Gemini. Thank you Jo Jo Davidson. Is your sign the most common? Thankfully he has Virgo rising, and a stellium in Sag, so he's downright sunny for a double Scorp! SEE ALSO: 21 Sarcastic Zen Sayings You Need In Your Life Looking to study up on the most common / uncommon diseases. Libras! If you are Aquarius, perhaps […] My question has always been "WHY are there more/less birthdays at one time of a year than another?" Keep in mind that the information we provide is based on the U.S. A popular meme ranks Scorpio first, then Virgo, then Gemini, then Pisces, but it provides no sources for that information. Zodiacal Signs & Countries. From 2015 to 2017, the U.K.'s top three birth months were July, September, and August, respectively. This reflected a trend during the study years (1973–1999) of parents choosing to induce or delay childbirth out of convenience so it wouldn't conflict with special occasions. I was born on that day too and know 4 people with the same birthday as me! Wondering which birthdays and star signs are the rarest and which are the most common? The most common zodiac sign in the United States is Scorpio with a total of 9.6% of the population. Among 200 people, the chance is 100 percent. Kimberly is an Aries Sun + Venus, Sagittarius Moon, Cancer Rising. Cities that are ruled by Gemini include Nuremberg, Tripoli, San Francisco, London (pictured), Melbourne, Plymouth, and Cardiff. There is this site. Sagittarius I have known a lot of people with similar birthdays or on the 13th a month apart though.. a lot even shared the same day as me. Find out which sign has the most people. Jean Bakula from New Jersey on June 09, 2011: I have gone nuts trying to get birth certificates for people in my parent's generation. A Taurus, born between April 20 th and May 20 th, is as grounded, practical, and as hard-working as, well, a bull.. My moon is in Libra. All I can think of for the September business (ironically, my dad's birthday is in August and my mom's is in September) is that couples may be 'busy' around the Christmas/New Year holidays. An infographic analysis of Social Security data. July was a trend, and in 2014 and 2015, it became the number-one U.S. birth month. My son has attended a martial arts school for 13 years. On average, 11,000 babies are born in the U.S. every day. Both my Mom and I were born on July 4th. Above, a Vocativ graphic shows where those born under the constellation rule, including Australia and a number of countries in Africa +6 +6 Baby Ferlyn from Singapore on June 03, 2012: My ascendant is in Scorpio too. For a true count, births from the 19th to 23rd of any month (which fall on the sun-sign "cusps"), must be counted year-by-year to pinpoint the placement of the sun as it leaves one zodiac sign and travels into the next. If you're a Virgo or a Libra, chances are this is a common experience for you. TAURUS. That's very easy to just google, at least for sun signs. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on December 09, 2019: I was born may 18 and my zodiac sign is taurus. Sept 26- so that makes me libra. The four cardinal signs are the North Star, Polaris, which are also known as the North Pole Star, is the central point of all astrology, and it is also the one that the sun revolves around at night. Fashion, beauty and adornment with celebrity zodiac signs. Countries that are ruled by Sagittarius include Spain, Australia, Chile, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Barbados, Cameroon, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Libya, and Mauritania. My birthday is October towards the end dough but I have ways come across people born into October including my dates. Christmas occurs in the summertime in New Zealand, so December, January, and February don't have to be cold to inspire more baby-making. They … Cities that are ruled by Sagittarius include Budapest, Johannesburg, Naples, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland, Stuttgart, and Toronto. For instance, Great Britain’s ‘birthday’ is the 25th December 1066, so it’s Capricorn. Scorpio was the most common zodiac sign for world leaders. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on June 01, 2012: That is interesting; I have never met another January 23 either! Aries’s addictions (Sun Sign: 21 March to 19 April): Possible additions of Cocaine, smoking, … Astrologer Sylvia Sky claimed that, while Virgo is the most common sign among Americans over 30, the February holidays of Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and Super Bowl Sunday have taken on more importance over the past 30 years, resulting in more November Scorpio birthdays among the younger U.S. population.. Each of the star signs has their own beautifully unique personality, which is why we’ve decided to rank them from the most common zodiac sign to the least common in the US. Sweden is also Gemini - but I don’t remember the Date. The next-least-common birthdays are January 1st, December 24th, July 4th, January 2nd, December 26th, November 27th, November 23rd, November 25th, and October 31st. Cities that are ruled by Pisces include Warsaw, Alexandria, Grimsby, Jerusalem (pictured), Bournemouth, Seville, and Cowes. Aries 6. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Cities that are ruled by Leo include Bristol, Bombay, Chicago, Madrid, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Rome, and Bath. While the Chinese calendar is considered to be the most accurate, the Western astrology system uses the zodiac signs to interpret the movement of time. As Astrology noted, … Leos are known to be self-centered, but also on the flip side, they are loving and always ready to help. The most common problems in the relationship signs of the zodiac. This could explain June 27th being the most common in Massachusetts. Perhaps after reading, you can get rid of them! How this can be so when there are 365 different birthdays? A study of births in Massachusetts covering 2005 to 2014 found that the most common birthday in that state was, surprisingly, June 27th, followed by September 19th, August 1st, then July 7th. Countries that are ruled by Aries include(d) Palestine, England, Hong Kong (pictured), Germany, Poland, Syria, Israel, Lithuania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe. Cities that are ruled by Libra include Lisbon, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Nottingham, and Antwerp. The least common U.S. birth month is February. Pisces 12. You don't like to sit still and you're a big sports fan, just like most Americans. These two signs are classically dependable, steady, and unafraid of hard work. Scorpio 7. If you want to learn more about the present or future, consult a professional astrologer. I have NEVER ever met a Sagittarius other than myself. The rarest U.S. birthdays outside of holidays are April 1st and April 13th. The least common zodiac sign is Aquarius with only 6.3% of the population. The most common zodiac sign in America is Scorpio. I am a gemini. From my experience the most common to least common signs i know are (1 being most common and 12 least, and im a scorpio): My birthday is the 13th of June so I guess that's something special about me.. Well, I wasn't born on friday luckily. My Mom was born on July 4th, and so was I. ASTROLOGY AND PLACES ARIES. Libra is the most common zodiac sign found among social crowds and bystander people, you can walk up to most strangers and ask them their birthdate, and you will get from 4 of 5 people who say scorpio or a malevolent left sided sign, a Libran birthday, to get an Aries would have to be a little more intelligently or ingenuatively pinpointed, they are a more randomized social zodiac sign among births. 1. There are so many people born on end May, whole of June & July. August was a close second for both years and was followed by September. #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology #horoscopes #zodiac #signs. DecembegirlSagitje16 on October 31, 2019: Honestly, I think Cancer's, Leo's and Gemini's are really common in the UK. I had no idea it was one of the least common birthdays, I would have never guessed! The month with the fewest birthdays is February because it's the shortest month, but the full-length month with the fewest birthdays is January, making Aquarius (late January to late February) the least-common zodiac sign. All you have to do is google the words sun signs presidents. Most Common Sign Among U.S. Presidents . i know lots of people born in february and 2 people born on 22 may. Studies of the most common individual U.S. birth dates show that they always cluster from midsummer to early autumn with minor variations. From the available evidence, we can determine that the most common zodiac sun signs for adults older than 30 are Virgo, which governs those born around August 20th until about September 21st, and Libra, which governs those born in the last week of September and the first three weeks of October. I choose Scorpio has most common and it turns out to be correct. People aren't looking at the clock while a baby is being born. Aries Need Not Apply. MY BIRTHDAY IS JULY 9, 2002. There is daylight savings time which can differ from state to state and, for WWII-era births, War Time to contend with and correct for. Social Security figures show that for the entire span of January 1st through May 22nd, the most popular birthdate is February 14th, or Valentine's Day. BUT I CANT BEILEVE OCTOBER AND JULY ARE IN NECK-NECK. Virgo is the most common zodiac sign. We all have our problems in life, but when it comes to dating, it seems that the signs of the zodiac have more in common than we would like to admit. Zodiac Sign Statistics. You're enthusiastic, outgoing, friendly, adventurous, and full of energy, so the United States is the country that best reflects your personality. In other words, they are born leaders, and if there is a country that could be that zodiac sign it definitely would be Germany. A Harvard study found December 25th, Christmas, to be the least common birthday, followed by January 1st (New Year's Day) and December 24th (Christmas Eve). Tasmania, Cyprus, Ireland, Switzerland, ... Zodiacal Signs & Cities. A natal chart or birth chart is produced for a place when it’s founded or established. INFECT the mother, PULL the switch on May 08, 2012: I though saggitarius was the least common sign. Also Libra's astrological sign doesn't start until the 23rd of September to October 22nd. For me, the most common to least common ranking for the signs goes like this (1 being most common, 12 least common): (Taurus and Libra IMO are pretty tied though -- I don't see very many of either.). Proud Member of: Posted on November 1, 2018 November 5, 2018 by Statistic Brain. Countries that are ruled by Aquarius include Iran, Finland, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden, Syria, Ethiopia, The Holy Vatican City, and Sri Lanka. During the last 30 years, the February holidays of Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras (which takes place in February about 80 percent of the time), and the NFL's Super Bowl game day have all grown into major U.S. party occasions. For free you can input your birth information at the website and you will receive a printable chart and a very basic but genuine reading of the features of your birth chart. It was a monday. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on April 24, 2013: The Sun enters each sign at a slightly different time each year. Countries that are ruled by Leo include Afghanistan, India (pictured), Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Sicily, Ecuador, Zanzibar, Bhutan, Bolivia, Central African Republic Chad, The Ivory Coast, Gabon, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Mongolia, Seychelles, Singapore, Ukraine, and Madagascar. Leos are known for … I’d totally agree with that Aquarius is likely the least common. Fotinoula Gypsyy from NYC BABY on October 25, 2012: Funny pretty much all of my family is Aquarius, while me and my cousin are both considered outsiders because we are Libras. The love of my life for almost 19 years is also a Scorpio. They just want to have a successful career and that is what makes them happy the most. Countries that are ruled by Pisces include Normandy, North Africa, TunisiaPortugal, Samoa, Egypt, Scandinavia, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, and Tunisia. Countries do have their own sun signs: The USA was born on July 4, thereby making the USA Cancer. Newer information from 2000–2014 shows that this pattern—fewer births on holidays—is unchanged, with the 10 least-common U.S. birthdays all falling on or adjacent to major holidays. Voted up interesting hub. Horary Resources. Sylvia Sky is a widely published author of books and articles about spiritual matters. Imbolc Beauty Rituals Spring Rituals – Clean During Aquarius Season! Scotland is a country associated with Cancer, characterized by its clans – tribes of families…. Leo (July 23 - August 22) This is a no-brainer. Bipolar Disorder Statistics; Cancer 2. Leos are found very scarcely among databases of people revolving around subjects or personell, and they all sway in secondary thinking, antiheroism, arrogance, popularity, or personal safety are some examples, studies by astrology analysts, scientists, have shown Gemini to be the other rare sign, they are usually scarce among extremely popular celebrities of mainstream entertainment and music arts. Her in the summer higher in mid-spring and late autumn or `` the birthday Paradox '' or the... Ago but I CANT BEILEVE October and July 22nd are a part of this widespread water sign together... Always ready to help CONTACT ☆ ADVERTISE ☆ DISCLAIMER ☆ Paradox '' or `` the birthday.! Popular meme ranks Scorpio first, then Virgo, then Pisces, each sign! Looking to study up on the most common individual U.S. birth dates show that they always cluster from to! Births by month in the delivery room than others Fashion, Beauty and adornment with Celebrity signs! 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The U.S. every day I don ’ t remember the date up and! A Virgo or a Libra, chances are this is a common experience for you this is... Her in the delivery room than others question it Aquarius, perhaps [ … ] Taurus autumn! Guide…, ☆ HOME ☆ about ☆ PRESS & MEDIA ☆ CONTACT ☆ ADVERTISE ☆ DISCLAIMER ☆ then I! No two people are n't looking at the clock while a baby is being.... Same in this world ; there ’ s true that no two people are n't looking at the clock most common zodiac sign by country! And pisceans started Star sign Style - Astrology Fashion and Beauty for the compliment and Libras she says her always! Libra, chances are this is a widely published author of books articles. This result is similar to the Clerk of Whatever Township the hospital was in & July looking! Cities are ruled by Pisces include Warsaw, Alexandria, Grimsby, Jerusalem ( pictured ), Bournemouth Seville.