You might have all of the elements on your character, which if you do, then try to knock them all down to get an All-Out Attack. Nach dem Release von Persona 5 am 4. There’s an electrical box in the hallway to the east, which shuts off the barriers in that one room, but there’s also another PIN device. Since you know H = 2, O = 8. They both look after treasure hidden in the earth and resemble fairies. From that fight Yusuke learns Rising Slash, a Heavy Physical attack that gets an extra boost from Baton Passes. April 2017 beschert uns Atlus wöchentlich neue Download-Inhalte. Unlock the metal gate with the keycard, then access the PIN device to see the final password clue is “GOLD.” Input 1841 as the code, unlocking the final set of vaults that leads into the center. Kaneshiro is now a lot more powerful since he has his piggy bank helping him fight. At the bottom, you'll have to fight a strong Shadow, so prepare. To continue on, you want to be where you found that first watchdog. The latter two are easy enough and you should know how to deal with them. From a while back, we also know that U = A and A = 3. Then, hit the arrow at the bottom left corner when you wish to finalize the code. The clue on the page reads “O+H=10” and is a simple problem once you know. Head over to the eastern-most pig statue and interact with it to reveal a passage into the bank. miniboss battle. Basically, just wait out of their range and when they turn around, chase after them (don’t sprint) to get an ambush. You should already know this one’s weakness, since you fought one when you first came to this Palace. If you’re looking to take them down, we’ve put together a list featuring the stats and weaknesses of each variety of Treasure Demon. Now, it’s unlikely that one will have a Persona with Psy unless they grabbed one of the Leanan Sidhes from earlier, but thankfully, Ari’s fusion of Matador gave him one such Persona. Take the option to return to the security room to find the other Shadow, a Floodbringer Demon. There will be a Shadow and a new type of camera. Not […] For those of us playing on hard we could use any advantage we can in a fight. After that, go out and head up the stairs to the west. Where the control box was, there's also a keycard access point. The new RPG Persona 5 brought back the Shin Megami Tensei series staple of demon negotiation. RichiePalma - 9 months ago. Head into the room at the end of the hall and then through the vent down the narrow path in the room by the doors you entered through. The Shikiouji's basic nature is said to be very close to that of an Oniand is thus very ferocious, making it very dangerous for average mystics to attempt t… When the blue light of the camera's area of visibility disappears, move quickly past the camera. With the front entrance blocked off, you need to find another way in. The small room past those stairs just has a few treasures with some cameras on them, meaning you can’t get them. The ATM behind where the Shadow was functions differently. Run through the piles of money and into an east-to-west hallway. Crawl through and drop down, then enter the door nearby, which will bring you to the other side of the barrier room. That leaves the only way to progress through the main hall and to the west. Trying to min/max stats and I keep seeing this around but I can't find where to get it. Persona 5 Wiki Guide. Kin-Ki is one of the four onicontrolled by Fujiwara No Chikata. Once he starts to do his Super VIP Form again, consider distracting him. Otherwise, use your keycard to open the gate and head out. This will open up the next vault, but refuse the offer to travel there from your companions. Thank you! So, pass through the area riddled with enemies and look for the two small rooms, where you’ll find electrical boxes that’ll disable the cameras (and barriers if you made them appear). Otherwise, head through the door to the next room and the one to the east of that to see the main room of the floor. Jump down onto it to get a ride to the lower floors. Den kompletten DLC-Fahrplan findet ihr hier. In order to acquire new Personas, you have to chat with them. Use the D-pad to choose numbers and hit X to select them. It looks like you have a number of ways to go, but you really don’t, as the stairs by where you entered lead to a big metal shutter and the reception area you visited earlier is now blocked off. There will be a cabinet there that you can climb up onto and then a few pipes and another cabinet that allow you to crawl into a ventilation shaft. There's also a chest in one of the west rooms, but you'll want to go around to the east and down the stairs, but watch out for cameras. It can be a bit confusing on where to go next, but look for an input device to the left of the elevator that allows you to input a PIN. Make your way west through the front hall and to the next room. The Shadow is weak to Electric attacks, so be sure to have Ryuji with you. On the next turn, it will begin to spin faster and its next move will be March of the Piggy, a devastating attack that will likely wipe your entire party. ToBy8888 3 years ago #1. strategy. Dormina puts a character to sleep if it hits, which actually regenerates some HP and SP. Since you are the only one who can have Psi, Makoto doesn’t have Baton Pass and you likely won’t have a full round of attacks without the enemy getting a chance, you might have to do everything yourself, as far as exploiting weaknesses at one time. It's time to get in and find a route to Kaneshiro's treasure! Otherwise, continue with the guide and we'll walk you through how to get each code. Do that, then pass by the cameras going east to get a chest that contains an Ignis Ring . There is also a room with searchable objects just after the stairs in this hallway. Makoto is another good choice, since she should have access to Energy Shower, which helps with the Fear ailment. Make your way to the western side, where you can jump on top of the things. Take the stairs in the lower right to come to another PIN device, with the clue being “REAP.” Using all of the pages you have found, you can deduce that the code is 0931 , so put that in to create another path at the vaults above ground. When you regain control, try to go through the main entrance only to find that it has been boarded up, thanks to Queen’s forceful escape earlier. There is another guard close to where the dog patrols, so be careful after the battle and look for the climbable objects with your Third Eye. You will appear in a side area from the main entrance. Destroy it as well and then you can head up the stairs. Use your Third Eye ability to see when they're watching. When you're ready to carry on, go to the only room you haven't been to on this floor that's located towards the east. Once you have it, head out and down the south-eastern passage. As far as attacks go, you will probably want to use your strongest ones, especially whenever Piggytron enters Super VIP Form, although you will want to keep an eye on your SP during the other portions of the fight, just because it can drag on a bit too long. If you want, there's a locked chest in the room that you can get by jumping across the structures. Activate this one as well. Be wary that there’ll be a dog in the first hallway, as soon as you descend. guide . Make sure to break the power box for the cameras that's just past them to shut them off. After that, continue moving south and you'll get to another room with its own control box for the second of the two cameras. You will get the Right Key from defeating it. As we mentioned before, there are also cameras that turn their sensors on and off every couple seconds. Directly to the south you'll find another pig statue. Jump through the opening to get on top of the elevator and ride it down below. You will be fighting four Orobas Shadows here, who are ordinary enemies you might’ve seen in the Palace already. That is the premise behind Persona 5, where the teenagers feel just that, with them being ruled by corrupted and twisted adults. Take the rewards of the Palace and get out before it collapses so you can all see what it becomes in real life. A yaksini (Sanskrit: यक्षिणी, yakṣiṇī) is the female counterpart of the male yaksa, and they both attend to Kubera (also called Kuber), the Hindu god of wealth who rules in the mythical Himalayan kingdom of Alaka. Use your Third Eye to see that there are a lot of cameras here, making it a bit risky to delve deeper, so ignore that path and continue east. japanese role playing game. The keycard will open this door and bring you to a small opening above the elevator. Enter the northern of the two doors here, then climb the cabinets to reach a vent, allowing you to enter the southern room. You will assume the role of a second-year high school student who becomes a Persona-user through an unexpected incident. That means you only need L and D. From there, head back into the larger room and go to the east door. Metabolic Wave hits everyone for around 100 damage and Ocular Raven is a single-target for about the same damage. The clue says that “E=9 and A=3,” which is easy enough. You already had R and now you have the other three letters, so the pin is 0931. Now, follow the hallway outside of the room to some more cameras that have their electrical box just past them. Head up the stairs to the south and walk down the walkway until you reach the next ATM. It's time to break into Kaneshiro's Bank and steal his heart! Head back into the large area and you can now go up to the gated doorway in the centre of the room. Kaneshiro is weak to Curse attacks, but otherwise you can just Rush him with melee attacks to take him down. Luckily, the Security Level will only increase if you, yourself, walk through their range. In the room you end up in, there will be an ATM. There are a lot of Shadows down these paths, so please be careful. Head into the room for one final Torn Page, as well as the electrical box powering the cameras. Head down the western ones, making sure you be careful of the hard-to-ambush guards on your way down. Use your Third Eye ability and move slowly to get a good feel for where they can see. We suggest getting rid of the two weaker ones first. You will be up against a Demonic Warlord, as well as a Tornado Devil and Floodbringer Demon. In the room will be a lift and a door to a hallway. Pass by both cameras and destroy the electrical box at the end to shut down the cameras, making it much easier to return through the hallway, if needed. Target Junya and attack with all of your might, depleting his HP and stopping the attack, making the battle resume as normal. As you proceed down the upper path, watch out for the cameras. The one in the middle, Defeated Avenger, uses electric attacks, so we suggest not bringing Morgana into this fight. Note: Persona Name - Shadow Name - Arcana: Area(s) where Shadow appears. Taking on the Shadow will pit you against three strong enemies, but you've most likely faced two of them before. Head back to the ATM via any path you choose and punch in 1841 and the final partition will open. As you head down the western hall of the passageway, you'll come across the next new form of security: cameras. video games. As you descend the stairs, be careful of the dog Shadow right around the corner. Use it first on the door to the room you're already in. If you’ve been capturing a lot of Personas, use this opportunity to go back to the entrance and do some fusion. Go out on the balcony to see Kaneshiro talking with one of his guards below. Right when you touch down, make sure you get the safe room to the left/west. Thus, 3 + 1 = 4 = L. Now you have all the numbers for the GOLD code. Move slowly and stand between them as they change. no deaths. When you're ready, send the calling card. This one uses Ice attacks and is weak to Nuclear, so have Makoto with you and consider having Yusuke in place of Ann. It does, however, have a few moves at its disposal: When he uses Super VIP Form, attack him for the first turn and then guard after he starts spinning faster. In that room, you'll find a map of the area. It is weak to ice and not that strong, so you shouldn’t really have much trouble with it, but its Cornered Fang attack hurts a lot. At some point, Kaneshiro will speak during the battle and the Piggytron will enter Super VIP Form. Once you get rid of that Shadow and the other one patrolling the rooms to your west, go into those rooms to find a locked chest, with a Revenge Mirror , Chewing Soul , and Amethyst inside. ". For these, walk outside of their green-lit area of visibility to prevent alerting the Shadows to your presence. Once the elevator stops moving, go through the vent to find yourself on top of some rafters. Your destination is down the lift. You'll be up against four Orobases. View code on GitHub. When you're ready, head back to the Security Room to take on the other Shadow. It also reflects electric, so having Yusuke in place of Ryuji is also a good choice. Proceed into the room and you'll see Shadow Kaneshiro. Guide for Yaksini, an Empress Arcana persona in Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal. You'll get the Left Key from that Shadow and you'll find another map in the room. Technically, you don't have enough of the cypher to know the code yet, but you can scroll down to find out what it is if you wish to skip this part. Inside the room is a control box to shut off one of the cameras that are up the stairs to the west. Head down the long path and then take a left (there's nothing important to the right) to get to the parallel hallway. You'll first want to move it to the left. You can heal this with Energy Drop or Energy Shower (Makoto learns the latter). Return to the vault area and enter the third ring to find a golden guard blocking a PIN device. When you first enter the 3F, there will be a watchdog and guard Shadow on patrol, so watch out for them. The Demon Warlord is a new Shadow, though, but it does have a weakness, Psy attacks. Page Tools. This page is torn from Kaneshiro’s journal and depicts another clue for those PIN codes; the clue is that “P=I” which means that P=1. Note that this enemy is susceptible to confusion (Pulinpa), which makes it have a chance to toss money or an item at you during each turn it is confused. Head through and then down into the next area. On your way to school, you will have a seat on the train, so take this opportunity to read The Illusory Popess. If you want them, go south and on the southern wall of that room on the map will be the electrical box. This door will lead to that big room with all of the cameras, so just unlock it for now. In this vault, you'll want to head into the first room you come across by going around either direction and into one of the two doors. To split them up, you need to head up to the monitoring room to call one away. Info P5 Shadows P5 Questions Royal Shadows Royal Questions. For this PIN code, the numbers will be 0102 . Things are getting serious now, as the Piggytron is a lot more dangerous than Kaneshiro alone. View this joyce-chen Project on GitHub . Drop down nearby into the barrier room and loot the chest in there for a Midnight Ring . Look in the southwest corner of the room to see another vent. Last Edited: 28 Apr 2017 3:20 am. If you happen to have Leanan Sidhe, then she has Psio, which works splendidly. And allows you to get inside right/west that leads to a room two rooms has a normal attack demonic warlord persona 5... You entered it simply to give you Torn Page the Royal version know that G =.... Watchdog and guard Shadow on patrol, so therefore D = G. know! Next area to your left Hanged Man Arcana Persona in Persona 5 will bring a thrilling, new twist the. Previously to the vault, so you can now go up to the north part of the first open! Rpg experience in Persona 5 Fusion Calculator Click here for the Royal version try use. Addition, and results from Shadows scare away demons that cause sickness to... And SP lasts for two turns and then you 've come across Yusuke in place of Ryuji is also room. 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